Basic usage

Getting started

In an empty folder

Glue is rather simple to setup, it includes a small bootstrapping utility to help you set things up. Start by requiring glue to your application:

$ composer init
$ composer require madewithlove/glue

Then run the following command:

$ vendor/bin/glue bootstrap
✓ Created public/builds
✓ Created resources/factories
✓ Created resources/migrations
✓ Created resources/views
✓ Created storage/cache
✓ Created storage/logs
✓ Created .env
✓ Created public/index.php
✓ Created console

In an existing folder structure

If you already have an existing structure, simply create a web-facing file (public/index.php or web/index.php or whatever). Create a new Glue application in it and call run on it:


require '../vendor/autoload.php';

$app = new Madewithlove\Glue\Glue();


Creating a Glue instance

You configure the application by passing a ConfigurationInterface implementation to the constructor. The class accepts an array of various options:

use Madewithlove\Glue\Configuration\Configuration;
use Madewithlove\Glue\Glue;
use Madewithlove\ServiceProviders\Http\LeagueRouteServiceProvider;
use Madewithlove\Glue\Http\Middlewares\LeagueRouteMiddleware;
use Psr7Middlewares\Middleware\FormatNegotiator;

$app = new Glue(new Configuration([
    'namespace' => 'Acme',
    'debug' => getenv('APP_DEBUG'),
    'providers' => [
    'middlewares' => [
    'paths'  => [
        'views' => __DIR__.'/paths/to/views',

You can also configure it through a fluent interface if you prefer – here is the above example using methods instead:

use Madewithlove\Glue\Configuration\Configuration;
use Madewithlove\Glue\Glue;

$configuration = (new Configuration())
    ->setPath('views', __DIR__.'/paths/to/views');

$app = new Glue($configuration);

If none is passed, Glue will use the DefaultConfiguration class which provides some functionnality out of the box (routing, database, logs, etc.).

Ultimately, the configuration is freeform and besides two keys (debug and paths) none of the values are really required. You can create your configuration however you'd like in whatever format you'd like. Make it a JSON, or a YAML file, use a third-party package, whatever you want. Only constraint is you have to pass a ConfigurationInterface to Glue, with the base Configuration class accepting an array.

Modifying the configuration

You can override certain parts of the configuration through the configure method:

$app = new Madewithlove\Glue\Glue(new MyConfiguration());

// This will override the `namespace` config value in `MyConfiguration`
$app->configure(['namespace' => 'MyApp']); // or
$app->configure('namespace', 'MyApp');

This method uses a recursive merge strategy so you can override specific providers from the DefaultConfiguration this way:

    'providers' => [
        'view' => MyPlatesServiceProvider::class,

Any configuration key passed to Glue will be bound on the container as config.{key}, per example if you need to share a configuration value amongst your application, simply pass it to the configuration:

// Will make `$this->container->get('config.my_key')` available in providers and such
$app->configure('my_key', 'some_value');

The Glue class also decorates the Configuration class so you can call methods on it directly. Check the ConfigurationInterface for a list of methods you can call.

$app = new Madewithlove\Glue\Glue(new Configuration());


Environment variables

Some configuration, like database credentials and such, are fetched through environment variables. By default Glue will attempt to load an .env file in the root path if found, so you can define things there too.

Directory structure

While Glue doesn't assume any directory structure, here are the paths configured by the DefaultConfiguration:

'assets'     => 'public/builds',
'web'        => 'public',
'migrations' => 'resources/migrations',
'views'      => 'resources/views',
'cache'      => 'storage/cache',
'logs'       => 'storage/logs',

Those are of course only needed in case you use the related providers, if per example you don't use migrations, you won't need the migrations path, and so on. You can define any paths you want, they will then be available on the container as paths.{key}. Per example to get the path to the cache, you'd do $container->get('paths.cache')

Changing container

The application also implements ContainerAwareInterface so you can swap the container at any time:

$container = new SomeContainer();
$container->share(Foobar::class, function() {
    return new Foobar;

$app = new Madewithlove\Glue\Glue();

The container can be any implementation of PSR11 or an Acclimate compatible container.

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